The SleepCube BiLevel S is a variation of traditional CPAP therapy. Instead of providing air at a constant pressure all night, the machine automatically “senses” inspiration and expiration breathing signals and varies its pressure level accordingly. On inspiration, higher pressure is needed to prevent apnoeas, hypopneas or snoring. On expiration, a lower pressure is adopted to ensure patient comfort with less resistance. A BiLevel S is particularly useful for those patients who require high pressure. DDI_SellSheet_SleepCubeBiLevelS_2020_EN_V1
The innovative SleepCube BiLevel ST is a silent compact sleep therapy device which includes CPAP, BiLevel S, T and ST modes. The BiLevel ST utilises the attractive design of the SleepCube range, which is widely recognised for its low noise and high performance. With features usually found in much larger devices such as separate IPAP and EPAP for those suffering from chronic respiratory failure, breathing difficulties and OSA. DDI_SleepCubeBiLevelST_SellSheet_2020_V2_ENqsWHMcnncyUYD
Product Features:
Illuminated Buttons and LCD Display allows easy handling